Chapter 2

Chapter 2 in the class's textbook is all about developing a personal brand on social media. Keeping a personal brand is very important for a variety of reasons. From a glance, audiences can see exactly what your presence on social brings to the table. Whether it be, in my case, film/television reviews, people must be able to tell what direction your profile is headed. The general reader should be able to tell what your taste in media is, and if it lines up with their own. A critic's taste is the defining factor of their job, and a personal brand can help exemplify this. A critic whose personal brand revolves around their praise of Marvel films may not have the same audience as a critic who prefers arthouse cinema.

I am very interested in how people develop their personal brands. Some people have really unique voices on social and I would like to know how long celebrities think about their social brand. Do they do all that work or do they hire editors/managers to handle that for them?

In my view, if your intention on social is to reach an audience, there has to be a consistent theme on your page. If there is not, there is no reason for a person to follow it. On the other hand, if your intention is to solely reach out to friends and family, a personal brand is still very important. 

Think of your online brand as your real-life reputation. If you a sloppy social presence, people won't trust you. They won't read what you write. They won't listen to what you have to say. That is the main reason a strong personal brand is the most important aspect of having a presence on social media.


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